Saturday, October 18, 2014

MYST Post #2: Fury

I saw Fury on this opening night, and am very happy I did. The movie starts out showing what it was like to be a tanker in World War Two. My great uncle was a priest in the 4th armored division and would go into burnt out tanks, the movie almost exactly matches the stories he would tell us. During World War Two, shermans were outgunned and out-armored by the Germans. The beginning of this movie has the viewer see that, and there are some very gruesome scenes. The audio is really good in displaying the sound of shells.The movie is like a real war for everyone except Fury's crew. For example, everything that comes at their tank is either a bounce or a miss. When in reality it would go right through. Also the ending turns into a fourth Terminator movie, with the tank shooting one of the best  German divisions like brainless drones. Overall this movie does a great job of displaying the death and reality of war, but is poisoned by the need to have unrealistic action scenes.

 I give this movie 3/5 tanks.


  1. This movie really caught my eye after watching the trailer. I am a fan of war movies and this one looked very good. However, because Brad Pitt is in it, I started assuming that it might be more funny like Inglourious Bastards and less like say, Saving Private Ryan, which I love. Might you be able to comment on the realism of this movie? That is the main thing I am skeptical about. I hope that it balances realism with humor, but from what I can tell, it is done in a very green-screen, Hollywood way.

  2. The movie starts out good, it shows the horrors of war and the mishaps of the Sherman tank. It shows men burning to death and committing suicide, kind of gruesome. After the German Tiger tank scene, it turns into a movie of Brad Pitt shooting up one of the best trained German divisions like they are running around like headless chickens.
